Climate Change and the need for Renewable Energy

By E-Smart Solar

5 years ago

Feature image for Climate Change and the need for Renewable Energy

There are many scientific studies that indicate the reality and significance of climate change. One of the ways to reduce the drain on resources currently being experienced by the planet is to shift to systems that utilise renewable energy, such as solar power. By making this energy shift, the environment will have a chance to begin to heal. When used properly, solar power and other forms of renewable energy will be enough to eliminate oil, gas, and coal consumption before the year 2050. But that will only happen if changes are made now, instead of waiting.

Climate Change and the Australian Environment

Climate change is having massive and significant effects on the Australian environment. The bushfire season of late 2019 and early 2020 is evidence of this, but they are not the only problems being seen. The year 2019 was the hottest and driest year on record for all of Australia, and the trends are showing that these kinds of problems are likely to continue getting worse. Rather than allow that to happen any longer, there are changes that can be made to stop the decline in the environment. Reducing pollution is a big part of the solution, and that can be done by using renewable energy sources — most notably solar energy.

Millions of animals are dying in bushfires, and there have been massive numbers of homes and businesses destroyed, as well as human injuries and fatalities, too. It’s time to do something more, and protect the planet in ways that might not have been considered as seriously in the past. With a Green New Deal for Australia and other countries, the opportunity exists to move many of the world’s developed countries over to solar and other renewable energy sources before climate change goes so far that reversing it is simply not possible. Much needs to be done quickly, to cool Australia down and protect its climate.

The Economic Impact of Climate Change

Climate change and ecological disasters have had billions of dollars of impact on the economy of Australia. While it will cost money to move everything over to renewable energy, it will cost much more in the long run if the continent fails to do so. A Renewable Energy Agency has been established and the Solar Towns Programme has also been created, in an effort to move more people toward solar energy. By understanding why this is so important and educating the public on the value of renewable energy, billions of dollars can be invested in the right things and saved over time due to a reduced need for fossil fuels.

Millions of dollars have already been set aside for solar communities, allowing Australians who want to engage with others on topics like solar energy and climate change the opportunity to do so. By reaching out to those who already have solar power at their homes — along with those who are considering it — the opportunity to protect the environment and reverse climate change grows stronger. Right now, solar energy options are being installed at a rate that will allow Australia to meet its target of 50 percent renewable electricity by the year 2024. That will make a difference, but more can still be done to help.

Australia’s Renewable Energy Options

There are several popular renewable energy options for Australia, which include solar farms, wind farms, and rooftop solar panels that are used for households and communities. All three of these can be excellent choices, and all three can provide Australia with the help and hope it needs to improve its climate health and protect its people, animals, and natural resources. Wind farms can be put to excellent use over time, but it is the solar farms and rooftop solar panels that provide the continent with the most hope. Solar panels for individuals and businesses are ready now, and can be installed quickly in large numbers.

By putting solar energy to good use, and by getting more people involved in working to solve climate change, Australia has the opportunity to be a world leader in protecting the environment and saving the planet. The continent can reduce its costs, stop more damage from occurring for its people and animals, and focus on ways to help the entire planet breathe a little bit easier. Solar power and other renewable energy sources are the answer to climate change, and that answer must be implemented now.

If you’re looking to install solar panels, we can help. Contact us today to find out more about how to improve your energy output.